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BLS for Healthcare Providers Training Course

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In this module you will learn CPR and AED techniques for adults, children and infants. After you have completed this training course, we recommend taking the Certification Test to become Certified.

CPR can save lives. The chances of survival is greatly increased when the victim receives CPR using proper techniques.

The most important lesson to be learned in your training is to USE COMMON SENSE.


CPR stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.

It is an emergency procedure, performed in an effort to manually provide oxygen to the brain to a person who is unresponsive and not breathing.

By performing mouth-to-mouth breathing and chest compressions, the rescuer can manually provide oxygen and blood circulation to the victim.

The earlier these steps take place in an emergency, the better the chance of a victim's survival.
• Early Recognition and Activation of EMS
• Early CPR
• Early Defibrillation
• Early Advanced Care

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